

Questions and answers on Shahada

A preface to “22 serious reasons shahada should contain no name except God’s”

22 serious reasons shahada should contain no name except God’s

The first commandment of Islam has no name in it except God’s

La ilaha illa Allah is the only shahada found in the Quran

The Quran doesn’t authorize any added name in shahada

Islam revolves around Oneness and so should shahada

In all service we should remember only the ever-living One who never dies

We are not allowed to make distinction between the messengers

God is enough as witness that Muhammad was God’s messenger

The Quran relates the testimony ‘Muhammadur rasulullah’ to hypocrisy

The Quran links the added shahada to rejection

Pairing God with Muhammad violates holistic logic

The Quran condemns those who mention ‘others’ with God

Associating sanctified creatures with God is idolatry, the gravest offense in Islam

Extended shahada is not a requirement to be or become a Muslim

Extended shahada is not a requirement for salvation

Islam is not about any particular messenger

The Quran presaged the extended shahada as deviation

Extended shahada creates false religions by inventing secondary authorities

Sectarian shahada is based on baseless hadiths

‘Shahada hadiths’ are contradictory and confused

Sectarian shahada was a later invention

Earliest ‘dated Muslim texts’ constantly remember God but never Muhammad

The dual shahada evolved in line with an increasing idolization of Muhammad

A summary of “22 serious reasons shahada should contain no name except God’s”

Our God and your God is one. 29:46

Distortion of shahada evidenced by archaeology

Distortion of shahada through the political slogan of the Umayyads